If your husband beat you or mistreated you constantly would you leave himEven if he paid the bills. Even if he looked after you financially and stood up for you in bars when you get hit on by other guys. If he drove you to work and his family helped pay for the kids education out of his jobWould you still love him and praise him as the great man he must surely be. Even if he still beat you and treated you like shit all the other times? Would you still consider him a good man?
If it was tougher to be without him would you leave him. Even if it meant less money more and hard work? You wouldn't have to cover up the bruises any-more or wear sunglasses to cover the black eye.
Some women find it comfortable to live with this delusion despite knowing it's wrong. Some convince themselves beyond all doubt that being beaten up by a drunk husband is a noble thing to happen to them and that they're blessed. Some women can convince themselves that nothing is wrong at all.
So would you?
This small tale isn't btw to do with abusive husbands।
Peace Equality Always (c)See Everything , PEACE
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